athletic recruiting expert guidance feeder schools legacy legacy admissions

Feeder Schools: The Hidden Truth

Every spring, college admission rates dominate the headlines: “Duke Admits 4.8% of Regular Decision Applicants,” “Northeastern Acceptance Rate Drops to 5.6% After Record Number of Applicants,” “Yale Admits 2,234 Students, Acceptance Rate Shrinks to 4.46 Percent.” As parents and students clamor for a competitive edge, many are drawn to the disproportionately high admission rates from […]

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Top Humanities/Social Science Contests to Boost Your Ivy Odds

As students look to distinguish themselves in the college admissions process, participating in (and winning!) contests is a great way to earn recognition for your talent and signal to colleges the value of your knowledge and work. Last week, we shared some top STEM contests to boost your Ivy odds, but high school students with […]

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Top STEM Contests to Boost Your Ivy Odds

For high school students with a passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), participating in prestigious contests can be a game-changer. Not only do these competitions provide a platform to showcase one’s intellectual prowess, creativity, and problem-solving skills, but they also offer a unique opportunity to catch the attention of top-tier universities. TOP STEM […]

college admissions executive function executive functioning expert guidance Insider Tips Middle School private college admissions counselor secondary school admissions

Middle School: The Magic Years

When my oldest child entered middle school, I heard countless condolences and commiserations. The common misconception is that middle school must be a time fraught with hormones, identity crises, petulance, and a reduced commitment to school in favor of social life. However, I found it to be the opposite. In fact, it has been my […]

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The Lingering Impact of Covid on High School Students

For the past two years, researchers have been studying the academic and psychological effects of the pandemic on students. As they begin to compile the data, the findings are not surprising to parents and educators who have seen firsthand large learning losses and mental health concerns among children and adolescents. UNFINISHED LEARNING: LOOKING AT THE […]

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