
Are You Stressed Out?

A survey of U.S. students by The Princeton Review affirmed what hundreds of you are tell us:

High School Students are Stressed Out over the College Admissions Process!

Princeton Review found that 28 percent of students worried the most about not being able to get into their first choice. The survey also found that 64 percent of participants felt “very high” or “high” levels of stress over the college application process.

The toughest part of the process is taking standardized tests, said 35 percent of the survey participants. About 24 percent said deciding which college to attend was stressful and 20 percent chose writing college essays as the stress that put them over the edge.

We tell you this not to make you more anxious, but to assure you that you are not alone. We also tell you this to remind you that you CAN do something about that nagging feeling of stress each time you hear the word “college.”

First of all, we encourage you to pick up a copy of our new book, Don’t Worry, You’ll Get In. Take action on the ideas and tips presented and stress will immediately lessen because you have a plan. Then, get a handle on your own stress level so you can better focus on the admissions plan you create with us in the book. Got it? Okay! Now onto checking out your stress with our College Admissions Stress Test:

College Admissions Stress Test

  1. When I’m in the car and a stoplight turns red, I become furious.
    If yes: Take a deep breath right now! A big signal that you’re feeling waaaay too much stress is becoming irritated over little things. “If the smaller situations in life start to bother you more than normal, it’s time to take a look,” says Tim O’Brien, director of the Institute for Stress Management. Acknowledge the things you can’t control and let them go!
  2. I’ve forgotten my homework, a text book, or my keys at least twice this month.
    If yes: You’re exhibiting a key sign of stress, forgetfulness. Get a grip on your daily rhythm and make sure you pay attention if you are becoming more forgetful.
  3. I used to play an occasional game of Solitaire on the computer or mindless video games but lately it’s like an hour or more a day.
    If yes: Red flags are waving all over the place. Watch for changes in your habits, and listen to what those around you are saying. Vegging out is fine every now and then – even important to relax — but procrastinating and getting lost online each and every day is a symptom of stress.
  4. My friends are commenting on my bad moods.
    If yes: Listen to what people around you are saying. Your reactions indicate how you are feeling. When you are feeling anxious you might strike out at those you care about the most.
  5. There is no way I can do everything I need to do in the hours of the day.
    If yes: Look at all the stuff you are trying to squeeze in, and see how you can cut back. Make a list of a typical day and notice if you might use your time better or make adjustments so you can end the day with a feeling of completion rather than frustration which only leads to…you got it…more stress. Take a stand against over scheduling – Just say NO.
  6. I’ve been sick a lot lately.
    If yes: Listen to your body. Stress compromises your immune system and forces you to slow down…because you get sick. Be sure you’re eating well, cut out the soda and huge amounts of sugar, and please, please, please get a good night’s sleep.
  7. I had a test in (fill in your most difficult subject) and felt as if I’d die if I didn’t get an “A.”
    If yes: Feeling a little stress about a test that’s coming up can motivate you to plan well and study hard. But stressing out too much over the test can make it hard to concentrate on the material you need to learn. Don’t try to be perfect – no one is. Ask for help when you need it and go easy when you don’t meet your own expectations.


Read Don’t Worry, You’ll Get In – let us know if we’ve helped. Have any tips you’d like to share with us? Any favorite tips from the book? Any anecdotes you’d like to share?

Drop us a line and we will come up with a way to share reader comments and tips in the coming months on this site. We won’t use real names so don’t be shy!

Thanks for sharing your stress tips and stories with us and check back to see what others have to say.

One reply on “Are You Stressed Out?”

This is SO right on…my daughter is stressed to the max given that she is almost a senior…
Glad to have found this site and particularly like the tips each day..I’ll keep coming back.

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